Louis Siciliano – ‘Ancient Cosmic Truth’

“I had to wait forty-three years to get to my own language. Years of study, of an almost desperate search, even dramatic years but in the end, I am happy to have reached the starting point.”

Those are the words that first introduced us to Louis Siciliano, a jazz artist from Naples, Italy. Now with his self-titled quintet, consisting of Alex Acuña, Claudio Romano, Randy Brecker, Umberto Muselli and Siciliano himself, he is releasing a four-track journey of extraordinary textures and stark creative spaces. Titled ‘Ancient Cosmic Truth’, the EP is an exploration of infinite possibilities, delivering a bold fusion of Electro Global Jazz which synthesizes a thousand years of Western musical tradition with ancient Indian, Chinese, Persian, African and Mediterranean musical cultures.

Through the release, Siciliano shares a short but deeply involving introduction to unique creative world, creating a welcome work of art for any intelligent listener or jazz devotees with a passion for forward thinking compositions. In true form, the EP doesn’t settle for simple performance but, instead, looks to push the boundaries of music as an artform, inching into uncharted territory and constantly searching for something more.

Melodies abound over the course of the four tracks, though Siciliano never presents them in a manner that casual fans are accustomed to. Instead, he pushes the envelope with a bevy of unexpected turns, unusual textures, and themes far removed from the pop world.

Louis Siciliano’s ‘Ancient Cosmic Truth’ dares musical moves that few others would consider and succeeds at a level you wouldn’t expect. His vision is unique, but it has a common ground of musicality that all listeners can enjoy if they are willing to open their minds.

You can read more about Siciliano’s music and work on his website below, along with more releases available on most streaming platforms.

Connect with Louis Siciliano,

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