Stephon Foster – ‘Drown’

It’s been a few months since we last heard from modern R&B superstar Stephon Foster. In April of this year, she shone brighter than ever through her deeply moving single ‘Therapy’, a cut that saw her continuing to grow as both an artist and a person. Delivering one of the most honest and exciting vocal lines of the year, the track set the standard for Stephon’s music, and today, with the release of ‘Drown’, she’s continued to impress.

The fourth single to be taken from her upcoming album, which is set to be titled ‘The Emotional Rollercoaster’, ‘Drown’ is a gorgeous new release that shines with emotion and a true, honest message. Speaking about the new single, Stephon explained, “I have a new single out that I wrote for my sister Karma Kazzi. We were on the phone one day talking about meeting our loved ones that have gone home to God.” She continued, “This song is called ‘Drown’, but it’s about not drowning! Even though life can weigh you down. Always keep your head above water! I dedicate this to my sister Shelia’s kids. Erica Cannon Timothy Cannon Shamon Johnson, I further dedicate this to my brother Peedy Wheat Foster. I also dedicate this to my best friend Talley Jordan and Terri Abrams. Talley, I miss you so much.”

Featuring multiple layers of stark, ambient effects, voices and synths, the single flows with a sense of weight and depth, creating a unique atmosphere that matches the tone of the song perfectly. Throughout, Stephon delivers passionate refrains, shining a spotlight on her delicate vocals and creating a brilliant weave of human moments and undeniable sentiment. Cleverly, she creates a sense of drowning within the song, reflecting the title and struggle, while also offering a guiding hand, letting the listener know that they are safe, capable, and able to move forward with strength.

Lyrically, there’s a new depth to the single that Stephon has touched on in previous singles, with Stephon’s words reflecting on a specific phone call between her and her sister Karma Kazzi. As the song unfolds, the lyrics shift to focus on the pain, uncertainty and expectations of life in the face of death and separation. The song is perhaps the most enchanting from Stephon so far, and while there are still aspects of the signature RnB sound that she started with, ‘Drown’ sparks with a classic pop sound and the cinematic production works brilliantly to elevate every moment.

Speaking about the upcoming album, Stephon has proclaimed, “THE ALBUM IS COMING THIS YEAR!!!!! I love my family. I love everyone.” Set to be one of the most highly anticipated records of 2022, ‘The Emotional Rollercoaster’ will feature ‘Drown’ alongside previous singles like ‘Therapy’.

For more, be sure to connect with Stephon via her platforms and social media pages below, and keep a keen eye out for the album when it drops.

Connect with Stephon Foster,

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