An Interview with Hamaton3

It’s been a while since we last heard from Glenn Hamilton, AKA the creative mind behind Hamaton3, in fact, our last chance encounter was back in 2019 when we reviewed his stellar five-track EP, ‘Out of Contrast’. Back then, Glenn was still making his mark and defining what his project would be, but now, a few years down the line, Hamaton3 has become one of the foremost EDM acts, combining a diverse and vibrant maelstrom of sounds that are among some of the most intriguing and innovative around.

With new singles like ‘Binary Choices’ currently burning a dynamic EDM-inspired path across Spotify, we thought it was time to reconnect with Hamaton3 and find our a little more about what makes the unique producer tick.

It’s wonderful to meet with you again, Glenn, and amazing to see how you’ve progressed since ‘Out of Contrast’. Let’s start by taking things back to the very beginning, how did you first start making music? Where did it all begin?

It all began when I was young, I found my routes in rock and metal when I started playing drums and guitar at high school. As I grew into my teens and discovered dance music, mostly 90's and 00's trance, I started falling further and further in love with dance music. Roll on to my mid 20's when I experienced my first hard techno party; I was hooked! I had found my place in the music world.

You’ve always had a very diverse style, I think ‘Out of Contrast’ proved that beyond any shadow of a doubt. How would you describe your sound for those looking to get into your music?

Crazy! I began trying to emulate the legends out there, Frankie bones, Adam Beyer, Dave the Drummer. Track after track I just found I wanted to go mad every time. Big sounds, big drops, big bass. I feel like I mix hard and dark driving beats with a cheeky feel.

You’ve said you first fell for the ‘90s and 2000s trance scene, is that what more influences your music today?

It’s the feeling and memory of my first techno party. I will never forget the dark driving bass, the huge grin on my face drop after drop. if my track doesn't take me back to that place it’s not ready

That feeling you mentioned, is it the most important thing when you’re writing a song, or is there something else you need?

Being well-rested. A busy and tired mind leads to poor decisions. I have ruined tracks by trying to push on before. I definitely find a good morning routine, with a healthy lifestyle helps my productivity tenfold.

How much does that routine play in your process? how does it all come together for you?

It changes all the time. If I am stuck, I spend most of my time on sound design playing and tweaking synths until something clicks. Manipulating found sound into dark rumbling kicks, I may spend a whole studio session just making up samples and brainstorming ideas. Then something will click; it will all fall into place for a track. Don't get me wrong sometimes, I argue with myself for months on the direction of a piece but other times it can come together in three or four hours!

I recently took a course hosted by techno legend Rebekah, ten tracks in ten days at least five minutes long. Balancing this with my day job was a massive learning curve. I took so much from this creatively and with my workflow and organisation.

You’ve come so far since we last spoke, what’s next for Hamato3 and you are an artist?

I feel I have found a great home with Keep on Techno. A fantastic label full of very talented artists. A massive shout out to B.S.E. for introducing me to the team! I Have another upcoming release with them and also a remix to look forward to. However, I will look to expand my portfolio first. I am currently writing an EP for Urban Chaos records following my last release on a VA for them.

A brief description of the EP; The title track ‘Us’ was inspired by and written for my partner. She has the same passion for techno and dance music like me. We only share one difference and that is she doesn't like acid techno, hence the difference between us. With this, I wanted to write a track that borderlines acid but is in her taste. ‘Badger’ was a fun nod towards the depiction of a bad habit in the film ‘It’s All Gone Pete Tong’. The following two tracks are remixes from some great artists. Chris Coles and Latex Zebra on the US remix and Hels.Yeah on the ‘Badger’ remix injecting some real acid madness to further fit the nod of my partners hate for acid and my ever long attempt to convert her.

Glenn, it has been a pleasure. Is there anything else you’d like to say to our followers?

A massive shout out and respect to my partner and soulmate. She has had my back the whole way. She is probably my biggest fan and equally my biggest critic. She always pushes me to achieve the best I can.

Also, many thanks to Broken 8, you reviewed my first ever release ‘Out of Contrast' in late 2019, now you can review the progress from then.

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