An Interview with K.Carter2700

An American rapper and recording artist from Kansas City, Missouri, K.Carter2700 has been surrounded by music his whole life. With seven of his uncles and cousins in the music industry, K.Carter2700 was always destined to make his mark, and in 2015, he released his debut mixtape, the irrepressible ‘T.O.M.C. (Top of My Class)’. It didn’t take long for fans and critics to take notice, and over the last six years, K.Carter2700 has continued to impress, offering a string of unique singles and mixtapes that have proved his talents time and time again.

Now, with the release of his latest album, 2019’s ‘Fortress of Solitude’ still ringing in our ears, we thought it was about time we sat and down learnt a bit more about Missouri’s hottest new talent.

It’s great to have a chance to talk with you, thanks for taking the time. Let’s take it right back to the beginning - when did you first start making music? 

Music has been in my life since I was a kid. I remember being four years old being around my uncles and cousins they would make me rap and write rhymes for me. I got into sports basketball and football, but I found myself back writing rhymes by age seventeen.

You’ve come a long way since your first mixtape. How would you describe your sound for those not yet familiar with your work?

I would describe my sound as the fresh sound, I would say it’s a mixture of old school rap with the new wave of today... My goal is to definitely master that global sound.

Rap is one of those amazingly versatile genres. What influences most define your own music?

Besides the people I’m surrounded with, just the things I see on a day-to-day basis. It’s like somebody can tell me a story or I could watch something happen then boom that’s a song right there.

With the reliance on real life and the day-to-day, what would you say is the most important thing for you when you’re writing a song?

A quiet place with no interruptions turning my phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ so I can lock-in

How much does that come into your songwriting process? How does it all come together?

The songwriting process just depends... for me it always starts off with the beat. When I hear a beat that I like I instantly think of two to four bars and if I pen two to four solid bars, I can base my whole song off how I started. I also like to sit and just let the beat speak to me sometimes too

We’ll let you get back to your music, but once last question. What’s next for you as an artist? Any big releases on the horizon?

Next for me as an artist getting ready to drop my mixtape ‘The Karter’, a lot more visuals and short films coming, as well as LoneWolf clothing.

Sounds epic, we’ll be looking forward to it!

You can check out K.Carter2700’s music on all major platforms today and be sure to keep your eyes out for the release of ‘The Karter’ on March 3rd, along with all the LoneWolf merch which is available through his website below.

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