Dylan Wright Talks About Life On the Road and Embracing the 'Little Lost' Moments

Singer-songwriter Dylan Wright is hitting the road and embracing the 'Little Lost' moments with his new EP, 'Half A World Away'. The new single was written by Dylan, alongside producer Nick Zaharias (The Buoys) in a three-hour power session at the One Dayers Studio in Newtown, Sydney.

In this interview, we talk about Dylan's creative process, the themes behind his new EP, and the excitement surrounding his upcoming tours. He shares his thoughts on collaboration, the importance of taking a break from the daily grind, and his hopes for the future. So buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey with Dylan Wright as he shares his passion for music and his zest for life.

It’s great to catch up with you Dylan, thanks for taking the time to answer some of our questions. You've just released your new single, 'Little Lost', what kind of reception have you had from the track?

"The response from the track has been great and more than I expected. It’s something a little different to what I have put out in the last. It’s a country road trip song and I love the way it builds and winds through, so I think people are connecting with the fun of it."

'Little Lost' was written in a bit of a rapid, power session. Can you describe the creative energy in the room during that time, and how it influenced the final track?

"It’s crazy to me how songs come about. I’d never met Nick, who co-wrote/produced the song, before and when I’ve never met someone I’m about to write with before it always nice to get a coffee or something and know a little about them. We clicked right away and I think that’s why the song came about so quickly, we chatted about how busy life has been and how I wanted to get on the road and play music so we just went from there."

The song encourages listeners to 'get out there and smell the roses.' Does this theme connect with your personal life and experiences?

"With how chaotic my year has been this year it felt right to write a song that keeps reminding me of why I’m doing this and how incredible it is to be able to play, write, perform and tour music and connect with people about these songs. Sometimes we get so stuck in our lives we forget how incredible the little things are."

You collaborated with Nick Zaharias on the track. What did he bring to the table as a producer, and how did his input shape the song's sound?

"Nick is an incredible producer and guitarist. We spoke about what music I liked and what music he liked and we bonded over our love of folk and country music. I think he started with a couple of chords, I changed them up a little and we went from there. It felt so right from the get-go that the song started to write itself. Which is always an amazing feeling."

The 'Half A World Away' EP features six tracks. Can you give us a sneak peek into the overarching themes or stories that tie these songs together?

"The overarching themes and stories that are weaved through 'Half A World Away' stem from my thoughts and feelings from the start of the year when I was on Australian Idol and felt quite distant from everyone and pulled in so many directions I didn’t know which was what and then writing with so many amazing writers they were able to bring their own stories into the fold so it was a real collection of things we all go through."

The new EP will be released in two parts, with the first available now. What inspired you to split the release like that, and what can fans expect from each part?

"I wanted to release this EP in two parts because I feel like there is so much music and content thrown at us daily we almost forget to really digest it all so I wanted people to be able to take a bite at the EP and then really sit on it when it all comes out."

You have two tours lined up - 'Those September Nights' and 'Get A Little Lost'. How do these tours differ in terms of atmosphere and what you hope fans will experience?

"We are currently on the road and the biggest difference between the two is the 'Get A Little Lost' tour is a regional duo tour with me and my best mate, Matt, who plays guitar. We get to share stories, tell some jokes and it’s a nice intimate atmosphere"

"The 'Those September Nights' Tour are capital city band shows and with the whole band on stage it is such a bigger sound, they’re all amazing musicians, we still get to share stories but there probably a bit more dancing from the crowd at those city shows."

You'll be joining Adam Brand on tour and playing Yellowfields Festival in Western Australia. What are you most looking forward to about these experiences?

"It’s not easy to get out west and especially take a band out there so I’m very thankful we get to head over there this year. It’s going to be a lot of fun, I’ve been to Perth many times and absolutely love it over there. The music scene is great and it feels a lot of the time WA gets forgotten about so I’m really happy we get to make the most of it while we’re over there."

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations as a singer-songwriter? Where do you see yourself in the next few years, both musically and personally?

"Over the next few years I’d love to keep what I’m doing. Writing music and touring. There’s nothing better than exploring this country and connecting with people through music. We have two young daughters so they’re growing up together and extremely fast, if I can show them you can do what you love and make people happy, then I’ll be doing pretty good."

Is there anything you would like to say to our audience?

"Thank you so much for the ongoing support. To the people who have come to shows, are coming to shows, buy the merch, listen to my music. This is all happening because of you and I couldn’t be more grateful for that."

With his new EP, 'Half A World Away', and two exciting tours on the horizon, Dylan Wright is set to make his mark on the music scene. His passion for music, coupled with his down-to-earth personality and relatable lyrics, is sure to resonate with fans across the country. As he continues to write, perform, and connect with audiences, Dylan is an artist to watch in the coming years. Remember to catch him on tour and experience the magic of his music firsthand. You won't be disappointed!

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