Austin Archer – ‘The Comeback’

One of LA’s most promising indie rock talents, Austin Archer has been writing music for the better part of two decades, weaving a folk-inspired sound that has captured the hearts of fans and critics alike. With several albums to his name, along with an extensive catalogue of production work, Archer has become widely known for his honest, rustic, and wonderfully emotive style. A talent like few others, he’s established himself as one of the best independent talents around, and today, we’re proud as all Hell to premiere his new single, ‘The Comeback’.

Released ahead of his upcoming album, ‘Beautiful Things’, which is due out on September 25th this year, ‘The Comeback’ is a stunning progression of his sound, capturing his authentic sound with crystal clarity. In his own words, Austin has described the new single as, “a shot of adrenaline. A song of celebration and rebirth. A hallelujah hymn for spiritual rejuvenation”, and upon first hearing the single, we couldn’t agree more.

A blend of modern spiritualism, rock anthemics, and visceral, emotive wonder, ‘The Comeback’ is a true musical highlight and a song that not only builds anticipation for the release of ‘Beautiful Things’, but also a song that perfectly showcases Austin’s artistic merits.

After meticulously crafting the new record over the past eighteen months, Austin offered us an extra glimpse of what we can all expect with ‘Beautiful Things’ is released, explaining, “The best way to truly understand what makes this record special is to listen to the full thing from start to finish. I know that sounds cliché, but it’s true. Listening to just one song won’t give you a clear picture of the variety of themes, sounds, and styles I try to bring to my work. As a producer, I like to build records where the listener couldn’t possibly predict what they’re going to hear from song to song. Records that keep the listener leaning forward pleasantly caught off guard, and engaged both sonically and emotionally,”

Truly an unmissable new release, you can stream ‘The Comeback’ exclusively via Soundcloud above, and on all major platforms from tomorrow, the 28th of August 2020.

Be sure to follow Austin on his social media pages below so you never miss a release and stay tuned throughout 2020 for more announcements and the release of ‘Beautiful Things’ this September.

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