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We will be away from the 13th of May until the 6th of June. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Flowers For Juno share their gothic debut single ‘Physical Culture’

  • 2 min read

A gothic metal band formed in Newcastle Upon Tyne, Flowers For Juno have recently shared their seminal debut single, ‘Physical Culture’. The creative outlet of musician Jack Wilson and vocalist Benjó James, the band have crafted a wonderfully solid debut release, stitching together fierce rock energy, dark vocals, and raucous guitar work into a maelstrom of searing sounds.

Delving deep into a cataclysmic spiral of heavy rock riffs and scintillating synth tones, Flowers For Juno build the single effortlessly, cultivating a dark, atmospheric sound that is stacked high with punctured percussion and thunderous metal anthemics. Benjó’s vocals are perfectly fitting for the sound, landing with an undeniable weight that clings to you throughout the track, delivering lines like “Desire is a loser’s game, crueler than heartbreak, it eats us up and leaves us starving.”

On their Soundcloud page, the band described the track as a “seductive rock anthem with a gothic allure, exuding a rebellious swagger, provocative sensuality, and an explosive chorus fit for colossal arenas,” and that couldn’t be a more perfect encapsulation of the track. Caught between metal and rock, ‘Physical Culture’ is a strong debut that truly sets the stage for great things to come. You can stream the song in full now on all popular streaming services.

Throughout the track, Flowers For Juno have done a brilliant job at building a powerful interplay between the music and vocals, adding emphasis and appeal in droves. It’s a well-balanced and constantly engaging piece, creating an impression that will stick with you for days. A song that is both expressive and explosive, ‘Physical Culture’ is an impressive illustration of the band’s skills, and we can’t wait to hear what they produce next.

Connect with Flowers For Juno,

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