GRAYtheband unveils poignant debut album 'All Done'

GRAYtheband is an Edmonton-based alternative, neo-soul, R&B project fronted by multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Gray Ford and a cast of rotating artists. GRAYtheband results from traditional instrumentation mingling with modern production forming an unfiltered yet refined take on the genre.

In an effort to honour the Edmonton music scene, Ford has recently recorded a long-awaited debut album, 'All Done' - a poignant look at the insidious nature of modern society, relationships, and the complexities of self-preservation. With an overarching theme of love and disparity, the album will resonate with listeners from all walks of life as we navigate this world, conquering the ups and downs. 

Funded by the Alberta Foundations for the Arts, eight tracks were recorded with Royal Studio’s Arnel Ethier and feature masterful local talents such as K-Riz and Janay Thomas. All Done is the product of steadfast collaborative effort and a vital contribution to the genre. The band’s polished yet raw approach complements Gray’s warm, melismatic vocal style, capturing a powerful sound.

The album includes tracks such as 'All Done' an emotional introduction to the album which references overcoming a particular period in one’s life that was exceptionally challenging, as well as 'Locked In' where Gray cheekily compares the speaker’s ambivalence in engaging in a relationship to signing a loan contract.

Then there is 'That Much of a Life' a testament to the transformative power of boldly embracing a love that otherwise seemed impossible. Gray shares, “The song explores feelings of gratitude and wonder experienced while forging an unanticipated bond with someone who will forever change our sense of self and purpose.”

'That Much of a Life' serves as the last song on the album, bookending not only the outlier anthemic folk sound we observe on the first and last songs but also reinforcing the theme of death and rebirth. The first song, 'All Done' marks the end of a chapter of turmoil in the speaker's life, while 'That Much of a Life' offers hope and wonder at the beginning of a momentous union. 

Through an intoxicating sonic soundscape and heartfelt, emotional lyricism, GRAYtheband is commanding the attention of listeners across the globe as they anticipate the upcoming debut album, 'All Done'.

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