Laura Misch - 'Hide To Seek'

This year marks the beginning of a bright new chapter for Laura Misch as she reveals her new single ‘Hide To Seek’ from her upcoming debut album, 'Sample The Sky'.

With the announcement of her much-anticipated debut album, Laura is stoking the flames of excitement surrounding her and her music. Laura continues to tease her forthcoming studio record with the reveal of her new single, ‘Hide To Seek’.

Following the release of ‘Portals’ in June, ‘Hide To Seek’ lays additional emphasis on the dreamlike, ethereal energy Sample The Sky has threaded throughout its runtime. And as an exploration of Misch’s myriad influences, this new piece of music highlights her detailed and meticulous approach to the craft – making her broader debut project that much more of a fascinating one to consider, as fans patiently await its arrival on October 13th.

Speaking of the new single, Laura added, “The kind of elemental scope of the album really does expand between the earth and the sky. The track is about desire and wanting someone to draw out parts of yourself that you're hiding and how we're all shaped by this interplay. The forest undergrowth feels like a perfect metaphor for the subconscious mind, and it’s a charged song. I imagined these mycelial threads leading the listener into the album world.”

This feeling of enchantment that weaves its way around ‘Hide To Seek’ plays into the album’s broader themes of being present, connected and cognizant of the natural world around us. Organic electronic production buoy a narrative delivered with sensitivity. Haunting saxophone and synths bring the track into a unique sonic space, with Laura's voice being the main guiding force.

On 'Sample The Sky', a variety of collaborators worked with Misch in bringing her ideas to life. Recorded in South London, Sample The Sky features stellar performances from Misch’s live band, Marysia Osu (harp) and Tomáš Kašpar (guitar), as well as noted composer/producer, William Arcane.

Laura continued, "'Sample the Sky' is an album that can be distilled as the feeling you have when you see the sky and you are in such awe that you feel compelled to photograph it and send it to someone - the moments that feel so intimate and personal yet universal, un-ownable and ephemeral.”

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